Dear Family,
Sister Moffat and I have had a wonderful week together! We've learned
lots, seen lots, and been able to see lots of neat miracles. God is
really pouring out His Spirit upon the people in our area and upon our
We had a wonderful Zone meeting this past week! As a mission, we have
been trying to raise our vision and goals so that we can show forth
more faith by believing in an expecting miracles. We spoke a lot about
consecration and what is really means to be a consecrated missionary.
As I thought about everything, I came across a quote that I really
liked by Parly P. Pratt. In the quote, Parly submits completely to the
will of the Lord and desires to do whatever is required of him. I
thought it was amazing.
"I have desired, after travelling for twenty-five or twenty-six years,
mostly abroad, to stay at home and minister among the people of God,
and take care of my family; but God’s will be done, and not mine. If
it is the will of God that I should spend my days in proclaiming this
Gospel and bearing testimony of these things, I shall think myself
highly privileged and honored. And when the Spirit of God is upon me,
I think it matters but very little what I suffer, what I
sacrificed–whether I secure the honor or dishonor of men, or where I
die, if it so be that I can keep the faith, fight the good fight, and
finish my course with joy. I have all eternity before me, in which to
enjoy myself."
Being on a mission for 1 and a half years is such a small sacrifice.
It really is, but I am so grateful for the opportunity to be here on a
mission. I love serving the Lord and pray that I can be a better
consecrated missionary.
At the Zone meeting, we had an assignment to write down three things
that keep us from being a consecrated missionary. All of us
showed up to the meeting with these pieces of paper and together,
prayed, promising the Lord that we would try and be better. We burnt
the pieces of paper after all praying together for the Lord's Spirit
to sanctify us and help us to be better. The spirit was so strong and
I was grateful for the things I learned and for the promises we were
able to make to the Lord to be better and more faithful missionaries.
I think there are specific sanctifying moments in our lives when we
come to a point where we now we need to change something. These really
are defining moments and I think that as we humble ourselves before
the Lord and ask Him to strengthen us, that He will help us overcome
our weaknesses.
"my grace is sufficient for all men that humble themselves before me;
for if they humble themselves before me, and have faith in me, then
will I make weak things become strong unto them." (Ether 12:27)
This past Wednesday, We were walking down the street near the church
and we saw a couple holding hands and walking our direction. I had an
impression to talk to them, even though I knew it would be so awkward
to break everything up and intrude on their 'alone time', haha. Well,
it definitely was awkward, but they were really interested!
We were able to invite them into the church for a tour and even talk
to them about baptism at the baptismal font! It was a really neat
experience! They expressed great desires to come to church and to
learn the missionary lessons. So cool! Sometimes it is hard to know
who will accept the message of the Gospel, but God really knows. It's
neat to see His hand in the work. There are so many people all over
the place being prepared, and it is our job to find them and help them
feel the Spirit.
We received a call on Saturday night from a ward member whose husband
and child had become sick. She informed us that she probably wouldn't
be able to come to church and asked us if we would teach the relief
society lesson the next day in church.
I ask myself where we would have time to prepare a relief society
lesson, but agreed to help trusting that things would work out okay.
The lesson turned out to be one of the most spiritual experiences! All
of the sisters in our ward helped us so much and my companion bore the
most beautiful testimony that brought everyone to tears. It was so
special. Such a simple example, but still so powerful. God really does
make up the difference as we give our best. He is able to make our
weaknesses become strengths. I am so grateful for how gracious the
Lord really is. He wants to bless us and help us.
Being on a mission has really helped me to see everyday in a different
perspective. Every single experience we have here as individuals is
preparing us for the future. God sees us as we can become and although
it is sometimes difficult to trust that everything is being done the
way it should be, He really does know best. Everything we experience
is so precious. God knows how to exalt us and help us to learn and
I know this church is true. I know God is working in each of our lives
everyday. He loves us, and will never give us a trial or tests that we
cannot overcome with His help.
I'm grateful for this knowledge.
I hope you all have a wonderful week!
Love always,
Sister Hubbard
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